
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Microsoft Project 2007-Outline

Project management basics
Microsoft Project2007
Initial overview
Initial setup
Using the Project Guide
Creating a new project
Working with Tasks
Entering tasks
Creating subtasks
Inserting, copying, and moving tasks
Dates and task duration
Changing timescale
Establishing deadlines and milestones
Repeating tasks
Entering and printing task notes
Creating Relationships Between Tasks
Task dependencies within a project
Creating dependencies
Dependency types and lag times
Viewing and deleting dependencies
Different types of constraints
Dealing with conflicts
Managing Resources and Assignments
Adding resources to your project
Creating a resource list
Distributing project work
Removing or replacing resources
Viewing resource assignments
Managing Costs
Assigning project costs
Exploring costs
Fixed costs and accruing costs
Viewing a project's costs
Reviewing Your Projects
About views
Creating a view
Combination views
Working with Tables
Understanding and viewing tables
Creating or editing a table
Adjusting tables
Printing Your Projects
Preparing to print and Print Preview
Page setup options
Critical Paths
Identifying the critical path
Using the Critical Path wizard
Shortening the critical path
Resolving Resource Conflicts
How to identify conflicts
Basic conflict resolution techniques
Leveling resource assignments
Establishing Baselines
Overview of tracking principles
Setting a baseline
Working with interim plans
Updating Your Projects
Tracking basics
Tracking progress
Using timephased fields
Understanding reporting
Analyzing the Overview report
Analyzing the Current Activities report
Analyzing the Costs report
Analyzing the Assignments report
Analyzing the Workload report
Creating custom reports
Integrating with Office
Copying project data into other applications
Linking projects
Import an Outlook task into Project
Customizing and Optimizing Your Projects
Setting defaults
Creating a Project template
Using a Project template
All above and more