Microsoft Certified Trainers meet stringent certification requirements. They also receive many valuable benefits, including free access to the complete library of Official Microsoft Learning Products; substantial discounts on exams, books, and Microsoft products; members-only newsgroups and online community resources; and invitations to exclusive events and programs.
Discover tools, resources, and other benefits to help you thrive as both a technologist and an educator. The following MCT program benefits help you build, maintain, and prove your expertise on Microsoft products and technologies—and prepare for, teach, and support blended learning solutions.
MCT welcome kit
After enrolling in the MCT program or renewing your membership, you receive a welcome kit that includes the following:
MCT certificate: Post your credentials in your office or classroom.
MCT wallet card: Identify yourself as an MCT in your technical communities.
Microsoft Learning virtual hard disk DVDs: These DVDs contain the virtual PC images required for Microsoft Learning Products and Microsoft Dynamics courseware.
MCT guide for Microsoft Dynamics: Explore the benefits of becoming an MCT for Microsoft Dynamics.
Ongoing benefits and support
As an MCT, you gain access to the MCT member Web site, which provides all the latest news and resources, including trainer readiness resources, announcements about exams and Microsoft Learning products, and MCT program logos. The member site also provides access to the following MCT benefits.
TechNet Plus Direct subscription: Receive free evaluation software, access to the TechNet technical library, and support. If you prefer DVDs instead of online access, you can receive a 20 percent discount on Microsoft TechNet Plus.
Note This offer might not be available in all countries or regions.
MCT readiness support: Join us at our monthly Live Meetings (the Third Thursday sessions) or view recorded sessions in our MCT Readiness Library. We offer technical readiness and portfolio readiness to help you prepare for new courses in less time, while having more impact. We also offer a soft skills track that can help you fine-tune your training delivery skills.
OneNote trainer preparation packs: Valuable trainer preparation packs in Office OneNote format, allowing you to make notes, add content, and share your Notebook with colleagues.
MCT Download Center: Receive free, comprehensive access to the entire Microsoft Learning and Microsoft Dynamics library of learning materials.
Microsoft Learning Courseware Library: Find additional courseware developed by the MCT community.
MCT newsgroups: Join exclusive private communities for peer support and networking, and communicate with the Microsoft Learning team.
Courseware support: Get direct Microsoft support on questions about Official Microsoft Learning Products.
Metrics that Matter: Track customer satisfaction.